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A selection of the in-person courses we offer to home-educated children at Hill View farm
Links to the course materials - descriptions of the experiments students work on during their in-person courses at Hill View Farm.

Balloon rocket
A simple rocket made with balloons is propelled down a string and we explore the force pushing it forward.

Hotwheels friction
In this investigation we use Hotwheels cars to learn about the force of friction from different surfaces.

Lego train
To explore the relationship between the distance a Lego train takes to stop and the speed it was travelling.

Hotwheels ramp
A Hotwheels car collides with a small plastic box. Upon collision, the box-car system skids a short distance before stopping. The stopping distance is measured.

We explore how differently shaped objects experience drag in a liquid. The different shapes result in different times taken to drop to the bottom of a tall container.

NERF foam rocket
We use a foam rocket launcher to explore how projectiles move through the air.

Stomp rocket
We use a foam stomp rocket to explore how projectiles move through the air.

Air resistance
We explore how differently shaped cars are affected by air resistance (drag).

Fizzy rockets
Make a small rocket from a Fruitshoot drinks bottle.

Rice puzzle
Friction in action
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